Photo Album Scrapbooking 101 – David Bibeault Photography

The growth of digital memory-keeping as well as social media has led to an enormous increase in the popularity in the last decade. But the process of creating a scrapbook is an art form that is timeless and a wonderful tool that will never get out of style. If you’re scrapbooking pictures of your kids in middle school, or logging the tickets to your favorite concerts that you can look back at later on, scrapbooking is an excellent option to record that most precious time of your life. Here are some suggestions on how to make a book that is school themed.

While you’re designing your pages, do not think over each page. Pages are made to showcase photos, which means you’ll likely have tons of photos in queue for scrapbooking. You can label your photos with stickers for the alphabet or using Chipboard letters. Tag all photos along with a brief explanation. If you’re planning the theme of school Include paper items such as names tags, report cards or gold stars. You can also include anything else your child has brought to school. Scrapbooking has a long-lasting appeal and your children will be thrilled to reflect on the school days they spent when they’re older!


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